I just got engaged to the man of my dreams. And it seems as if since then things have been going south. We’ve been dealing with a lot lately, and then he just recently got into a bad car accident!! So now with everything we are going threw we have this. The day after his surgery, I had returned to work. Not by choice. Of course. I wanted nothing but to be right there by his side. But unfortunately we have got to live, so I had to return. Before I left my house I prayed, I asked God to help him. To help me be strong enough to get though all of this and that he would be ok. I think I prayed the hardest I ever have in my life. I Pulled it together and went to work. When I arrived there were 3 guys out front of the restaurant. they had already placed there orders. I asked him if he had payed, he could tell there was something bothering me and he said that he would pray. By then I was balling my eyes out. He then gave me a 10 dollar tip and said ” i know money won’t help you but its a start.” I brought his food out. They all eat. Meanwhile I went out back talking with my boss.  The man came around back and approached me tapping on my shoulder. The way he tapped me was like a friend. like he had knew me. He handed me an envelope and told me to check this this website. . I told him thank you again. And that I definitely would. A few mins later ,i took the envelope out if my pocket and seen that there was a $100 dollar bill inside. I’ve never seen this man before in life. That goes to show that God works in mysterious ways. Therefore I know I have him on Our side. (: