Getting my children involved

I have taken the challenge a few times. Sometimes the people receiving the blessing actually share their story here on this site and sometimes they don’t. I guess that is ok. But it sure is fun to read the stories when they do share.

Recently I took the challenge again, but this time I gave the envelopes to my children and let them look for the people to bless. That was so much fun! Seeing them get excited about blessing others was the best gift ever.

So if your reading this, I challenge you!

Blessing from the Man above when you feel there’s no hope.

I just got engaged to the man of my dreams. And it seems as if since then things have been going south. We’ve been dealing with a lot lately, and then he just recently got into a bad car accident!! So now with everything we are going threw we have this. The day after his surgery, I had returned to work. Not by choice. Of course. I wanted nothing but to be right there by his side. But unfortunately we have got to live, so I had to return. Before I left my house I prayed, I asked God to help him. To help me be strong enough to get though all of this and that he would be ok. I think I prayed the hardest I ever have in my life. I Pulled it together and went to work. When I arrived there were 3 guys out front of the restaurant. they had already placed there orders. I asked him if he had payed, he could tell there was something bothering me and he said that he would pray. By then I was balling my eyes out. He then gave me a 10 dollar tip and said ” i know money won’t help you but its a start.” I brought his food out. They all eat. Meanwhile I went out back talking with my boss.  The man came around back and approached me tapping on my shoulder. The way he tapped me was like a friend. like he had knew me. He handed me an envelope and told me to check this this website. . I told him thank you again. And that I definitely would. A few mins later ,i took the envelope out if my pocket and seen that there was a $100 dollar bill inside. I’ve never seen this man before in life. That goes to show that God works in mysterious ways. Therefore I know I have him on Our side. (:

My Christmas Blessing

I was at the mall this Christmas and a young girl walked up to me and gave me an envelope with a message on it to share my story. Well the $100 was truly a blessing to me. I was able to afford the gifts I wanted to give to my children. Thank you and your parents for giving. God bless!

Giving the Gift of Giving

On a recent trip with a friend of mine, I decided that it would be more fun to give him the envelope with the $100 bill. I asked him to look for someone to give it too and at first he did not want to do it. He gave it back to me and said I should do it since it was my $100.

So as we walked through the airport, I began to look, but did not feel God’s direction. So we kept walking. Just before we got to our gate we saw a man shining shoes. I looked at  my friend and he looked at me and smiled. He grabbed the envelope out of my hand and walked over to the man and gave it to him saying Merry Christmas!

I think it was more fun seeing my friend do it than it would have been if I had done it alone. I highly recommend doing it with a friend! It was cool how God showed us the same person at the same time.

College Blessing

I was at college and I wanted to go home for the holidays, but we are not allowed to leave campus until our bill is paid up. I was completely broke and was pretty sure I would not be able to go home for the holidays. But when I went to my mailbox, there was a card there from a church I had not heard of before. The card said, You don’t know us, but we decided to help you out financially. In the card was exactly how much I needed to pay my bill. It wasn’t a $100 challenge, but it still impacted me in such a great way. I know God is there, I know He cares about things like this, but I was and am still amazed at his timing.

How did this church know how much I needed? I did not tell anyone. It just has to be a miracle. Thank you Jesus!

My Blessing

It was a horrible day for me. I had just found out that I may be let go from my company due to cut backs, I was going into the grocery store to pick up some things before heading home and this woman handed me an envelope and said God Bless you. At first I did not understand what was going on. My first thought was to reject it. It seemed a little strange for a stranger to hand me something. After getting inside, I opened it and there was a note saying that she took a challenge and that I seemed like I could use the encouragement.

I really cannot explain how this has impacted me. I guess I took it as a message from God saying that He would provide. I hope I don’t loose my job, but if I do, I know He will provide another one.

Thank you for taking the challenge. It has changed the way I think. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Accepting the Blessing

I was at the Altamonte Mall stressing over how I’m going to pay for my daughter’s $100 basketball shoes. She made the school team. I was in the mall trying to get signal on my phone to transfer funds…stressing…and some man handed me the $100 blessing. At first I felt guilty for receiving it bc I felt unworthy. I almost gave it away too until my son reminded me that it was a blessing and I should learn how to receive blessings! Thank you to the kind gentleman who helped me get shoes for my daughter who worked so hard to make the basketball team! It was a true unexpected blessing! All the proof to my kids on the importance of tithing and giving bc we really do reap what we sow! God Bless!